asthma action plan

Why should asthma patients maintain a written action plan?

Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the airway leading to symptoms like whistling sound in the chest, breathlessness, chest tightness and cough. Patient suffering from asthma should remain well informed about these symptoms, potential triggers and adherence to pharmacotherapy. As many patients have difficulty recalling the instructions given by their treating physician, it would be wise to maintain a written action plan for daily and emergency management. The action plan should be encouraged to be shared with the family members of the patients so as to improve the support of care been extended to the patients.

Australia, which is a highly polluted nation, has many irritants in the atmosphere which may trigger an attack. Not only limited to the poor air quality, it is also the patient’s education level, his understanding of the disease process, environment of work and residence and his attitude of negligence towards asthma severity which should mandate each patient to maintain an action plan for regular as well as acute situations.

We are sure you don’t wish to be recurrently admitted in the hospital because of poor control of asthma and thus enlisted below are the few advantages of maintaining a written action plan.

  • Reduces the risk of future attacks
  • Prevents detoriation in lung health
  • Reduces number of doctor’s visit
  • Improves patients knowledge of asthma
  • Improves patient’s quality of life
  • Reduces absentism from college/workplace/leisure trips etc.
  • Prevents patients disease progression (mild to moderate to severe asthma)
  • Reduction in emergency visits to the hospital
  • Reduced healthcare cost on the patient


  • It is a written plan which captures general information about you (name, age, severity of asthma, etc)
  • It mentions the medications to be taken when you are symptom free, when you have trouble with breathing and prompts you to visit your doctor when your health detoriates
  • Most, importantly it educates you to maintain a good lung health by recording your PEFR (Peak Expiratory Flow Rate) values


  • Always keep a copy of your action plan near you
  • Share it with your family members for emergency purposes
  • Carry it with you when you come to visit your doctor
  • Don?t be lazy, do record your PEFR values everyday

WHERE CAN YOU FIND ?your personal asthma action plan??

We have extended this service to asthmatic patients. You may visit us to avail complete asthma care.

Meet?the best Lung Specialist in Gold Coast at Aviss Health – Dr Himanshu Garg

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