Top 10 Facts about Passive Smoking

Passive smoke or more specifically, secondhand smoke carries approximately or more than 7,000 chemicals, including toxic and carcinogenic, as the report of U.S. National Library of Medicine stated. The other chemicals include carbon monoxide, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, and polonium – 120, which are enough to leave lifelong impact in your health.

Apart from the smoke issued from burning cigarettes, the dangerous pollutants are as responsible as the passive smoking for rapid health deterioration. These days “Air pollution” has also added a lot to the passive smoking issue as even inhaling pollutants is like passive smoking and is equally dangerous.

You must be informed about some astonishing facts which may be the results of passive smoking.

  1. Among the thousands of toxins and chemicals available in the passive smoke, almost 250 elements are known to be injurious & detrimental to health, whereas 69 are responsible for cancer. An estimated 600,000 premature deaths are caused by only passive smoking.
  2. Every year, passive smoke causes thousands of up-to-date cases of bronchitis and pneumonia in infant babies of 18 months and younger. Moreover, secondhand smoke is widely responsible for increasing lung cancer deaths all over the world.
  3. Passive smoke pervades any confined places such as restaurants, corporate offices, home and many others when the smokers get involved with several burning tobacco items like cigarettes or water pipes. The other people or rather say, passive smokers are subjected to its dangerous effects.
  4. At home, maximum children feel unsafe since they are being constantly exposed to passive smoking. More shockingly, this can lead to the emergence of various unexpected diseases in their bodies.
  5. Not necessary, ventilated or isolated smoking areas will safeguard the non-smokers from second-hand smoking. Passive smoke is able to spread from smoking spaces to non-smoking spaces, even if ventilation is on or the door between the two rooms is closed tightly.
  6. The young generation mainly who are regularly exposed to passive smoking at home, tend to start smoking more than those who are not inhaling smoke.
  7. For pregnant women exposed to passive smoke frequently, there are greater chances of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion, premature birth, low birth-weight for infants and serious pregnancy problems.
  8. When the children are subjected to passive smoke, they become more vulnerable to asthma attacks, ear infections, respiratory difficulties, and sudden death syndrome. They should be kept under strict vigilance in order to get them rid of the harmful effects of smoking.
  9. Passive smoking has no safe level and even least amount of passive smoke can develop serious damage in the health of nonsmoker as well.
  10. Prohibition of smoking in indoor areas is the only way to completely secure nonsmokers from the passive smoke.

Hence, avoiding passive smoking as far as possible is the only key to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. It’s a crime to smoke in common places, raise a voice!

For any query or consultation around lung problems, respiratory issues and breathing disorders seek expert advice from Dr. Himanshu Garg, Sleep and Respiratory Disorders specialist at Aviss Health!