respiratory care week

Aviss Health celebrates November as Respiratory Care Month

Ever noticed your breathing, the way you breathe in and breathe out Nothing special, right Well, for millions, normal breathing is a luxury. These are millions of people out there who’ve been struggling with one or other sort of respiratory disorders. And these numbers are increasing at an astronomical pace.

Ask any asthmatic how he feels when Diwali is round the corner, or ask someone with lung cancer about what fun it’d be if he could breathe the way the rest of the world does. It appalls us here at Aviss Health about the reckless lifestyle we’re leading in this modern society, characterized by extremely polluted air, water, and food.

Here at Aviss Health, we always think about ways we can help our patients and their families lead amazing lives. This time we thought about celebrating November as the Respiratory Care Month and reach out to people to educate and inspire people to keep their lungs happy and healthy.

Remember, your lungs do a lot for you; this November, think it as your turn to show your gratitude to your lungs. Stay in touch with us here and on our FB page for really simple, really effective lung health tips and to know about our offers on our consultations and tests. The current update is we’re offering a flat 20 per cent discount on consultations with the specialists as well as on our diagnostic tests (Blood tests and PFT/Spirometry). To avail this offer, meet us at our clinic.

The pain of living life with a respiratory disease

If you’ve asthma or lung cancer or are struggling with COPD, you know what we mean. Life gets hard, right But then, this should not stop you from living your life the way you want it to live. And a respiratory specialist can make a huge difference in the quality of life you live. And that’s why we insist all our patients to never delay their diagnosis and treatments.

Whether it’s you who doubt you might have a respiratory disease or have someone in family who you think can have a disorder, the first best step would be to reach out to a specialist. A clinical history, clinical evaluation, and tests like Spirometry will be enough to help the specialist determine whether you’ve a respiratory disorder or infection and the kind of disorder it is, and what sort of treatment will help you the best way.

What can you do to prevent emergence of a respiratory disorder, such as lung infection or lung cancer?

Smoking causes lung cancer. In fact, it is the biggest reason a person can have a cancer in his lung. So, the first and the best thing that you can do to stay away from a pain like lung cancer is never start smoking. If you smoke, then quit it for God’s sake you’ve a family and they want you to live longer, live healthier. Quitting smoking or for that matter any good or bad habit is tough in the beginning but if you’re determined to good health, you’ll do it eventually.

Stay away from triggers  you can have asthma attack when it’s very polluted air outside or during Diwali or when you exercise or come in contact with certain allergens. So the best way here to avoid an asthma attacks is to avoid the triggers. So for example, if it’s Diwali time, you can avoid going out or can wear a mask if kids are bursting crackers outside. Leading a healthy and happy lifestyle also helps you manage your asthma or other respiratory disorders better.

What is also important is take medications as told and keep the inhalers with you if you’re an asthmatic. This November, we’re celebrating the profession of respiratory care and spread awareness about respiratory care and treatments. We’re offering discounts on our consultations and certain diagnostic tests. For more updates on our month long activities, check our FB page regularly.